Archive for August, 2007

I and the bird #55

The latest edition of I and the Bird #55 has been hosted over at Birdfreak Birding Blog.

This carnival about birds is a bi-weekly event and covers contributions from birders from all over the globe, including a posting from this blog.

Plenty of good reading on the many blogs that contribute to this popular carnival.

Birds in the News #94

The latest edition of Birds in the News – now up to # 94 has been posted over at Living the Scientific Life.

There you will find plenty of reading about birds that have featured in the news in the last week, including links to interesting articles about birds from all over the globe.

Brave Bird Behaviour

Sometimes birds exhibit some rather bizarre behaviours. At other times they can be rather bold and downright brave. I’ve seen the small Willie Wagtail, for example, attacking an eagle many times its own size.

I’ve come across an article on the Living the Scientific Life blog site where the story is told – with pictures to prove it – of how one pair of swallows built a nest on top of an Eagle Owl’s head. Mind you – the Owl was a plastic one designed to scare the swallows away. Its presence obviously didn’t scare the swallows one little bit. Read the full story here.

Talking about birds

A few minutes ago I arrived home after visiting one of our local Residential Aged Care homes. Our ladies’ fellowship group at church had arranged to hold one of their meetings in a small meeting room in the home. I was the guest speaker for the meeting.

I was asked to speak about birds and show some of my photographs of the birds of this area using a PowerPoint presentation. I was asked to keep the talk to about thirty minutes and this was to keep their attention. The old folk tend to drift into the Land of Noddy after that. With my considerable collection of photos and my tendency to rave on a little about my favourite hobby, restricting me to thirty minutes was a challenge. (Or perhaps the organiser knows me too well!)

Anyway, I managed to cull the presentation down to thirty photographs and I mentally gave myself one minute to talk about each photo. Mission accomplished: I only went over by about five minutes. In fact, it took longer to get all the old folk to the room in their wheel chairs and walking frames than it took to give the presentation.

Many of the folk thought the presentation was great with much praise for the photos. And I only heard heavy breathing coming from one person, despite the very warm room. It was a pleasing experience.

Below is one of the photos I showed this afternoon.

Updated Nov 2013.

Mallee Ringneck Parrot

Mallee Ringneck Parrot

Bird Blogging Conference

I’ve heard quite a bit about conferences for bloggers but these have usually been for people who write blogs about blogging.

Now we have the First Bird Blogging Conference which is being organized by Sharon Stiteler on her blog called This sounds like being a great get together of birders who also blog on the north American continent. Pity it’s such a long way from Australia.

P.S. Anyone know where I can get a return air ticket from Australia for under $500???