Archive for the 'Carnivals' Category

I and the bird #57

The latest edition of I and the bird #57 has been posted over at A DC Birding Blog. It contains many links to interesting articles about birds from all over the globe.

I missed out on making my submission this time around. I was rather occupied touring New South Wales on my way to visit my son and daughter-in-law in Sydney. That is where I am now – and using his very fast internet connection. Stay tuned for many articles about my birding experiences over the last week and for the next two weeks.

I and the bird #56 What I did on my summer vacation

Here Down Under in Australia we can only dream of summer vacations. The mornings are still quite frosty and the wind can be quite chilling. Summer is far off, but spring is just around the corner. We’ve had enough lovely sunny days over the last week or so to keep us hopeful of a lovely spring (if only we could get a little more rain).

The latest I and the Bird (issue #56) has been posted over at Big Spring Birds. The compiler, Vern, is celebrating the summer vacations drawing to an end in that part of the world. Through this carnival we are taken on a vacation throughout the world of birding.

Plenty of good reading as usual on a wide range of birding blogs.

I and the bird #55

The latest edition of I and the Bird #55 has been hosted over at Birdfreak Birding Blog.

This carnival about birds is a bi-weekly event and covers contributions from birders from all over the globe, including a posting from this blog.

Plenty of good reading on the many blogs that contribute to this popular carnival.

I and the Bird #54: Assignment: Write about Birds

The latest edition of I and the Bird #54 over at The Egret’s Nest takes me back to my own teaching days. I remember the enthusiasm most of my students displayed while studying birds. I also remember the field trips and camps to get out there watching the wonderful birds in their natural environment.

I was delighted with the grade I received on my assignment.

Happy Birday Duncan

Someone who is a regular visitor and commenter here on my birding blog is Duncan from Ben Cruachan Blog. I must admit that I frequently check out his blog too. Duncan displays a very broad knowledge base and intense interest in all things of the natural world and his posts are always fascinating reading. His photographic skills are superb.

I really enjoyed his recent post called A birday and an Annibirdary. He has a superb shot of an Eastern Yellow Robin on this post.

Congratulations Duncan.

May you see many more “birdays” and many, many more birds.