Happy 8th Birthday to Trevor’s Birding
Trevor’s Birding site is 8 years old today.
Wow! In that time I’ve seen a lot of birds, travelled and birded in Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, Dubai, Ethiopia, Morocco and Spain. I have photos of hundreds of birds, many of them shown here on this site. I’ve written over 1500 articles using over 300,000 words about birds and my readers have contributed over 5000 comments. That’s amazing.
But wait – there’s plenty more where that came from.
I’m actually having trouble keeping up writing about the birds I see and photograph. So I’ll just keep on writing and taking photos. So keep on coming back, everyone.
As a treat, today I thought I would just share a few of my favourite photos for your enjoyment.
A significant milestone for Trevor’s Birding
Trevor’s Birding site has reached a significant milestone this morning:
Over the years the comments on this site have sometimes dribbled in, at other times they come in a flood. Some posts have received hundreds and comments, and others none at all. Some have been hilarious, many have been helpful – to me and my readers – and others very thoughtful. Fortunately, very few have been annoying and on only one occasion have I had to close comments on a post due to misguided people trying to post abusive or less than polite comments.
I have made good friends via this site and have even have had invites to other birders’ homes and one has even stayed in my home. Most birders are wonderful people, and sharing a love of birds gives one common grounds to explore our interests.
Writing about birds on this site has also led to some unexpected side benefits:
- I am in demand as a public speaker about birds.
- I have received quite a number of bird books from publishers wanting me to review their books.
- I have been interviewed twice by our local newspaper.
- My bird photos have appeared in books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, on pamphlets, on tourist guides and even on the cover of a CD.
- This site is regularly listed as one of the top 100 birding sites worldwide. (At one point a few years ago it reached #26.)
Above all, I have been delighted with the development of a sense of community amongst my readers. They correspond with each other via the comments section, helping each other and giving advice to those with questions about birds, especially injured or orphaned birds.
But wait – there’s more:
I do not intend to rest on my laurels. I have plenty more photos to share, experiences to relate and stories to tell about birds. More posts are scheduled to appear in the coming days and weeks, and as I travel around I plan to take photos of birds wherever I go – then share them here. (Why not visit Trevor’s Travels, another of my sites where I share photos of my travels here in Australia and also in Thailand, Nepal, Ethiopia, Morocco and Spain. Don’t forget to leave comments!)
You could also investigate the archives section (link above) or investigate any of the categories (links on the side bar) and read older posts I have written. Nearly 1500 articles about birds and birding, here and overseas. And I’d love more and more comments too.
Why not leave a comment or two here today?
Christmas Greetings
Christmas Greetings to all of my wonderful readers.
I really appreciate the many hundreds of readers who access this site on a daily basis. I also appreciate the many people who take the time and make an effort to leave comments and questions.
I also appreciate the many readers who help each other out by answering their birding questions. I’ve had a very busy year finishing my Masters degree, so my time has been severely limited. Everyone’s help has been wonderful in keeping me sane. Now that I’ve finished my degree I can devote more time to this site once again. 2011 and beyond will be better than ever.
I trust that you all have a great celebration over Christmas. Today I will just show a few of my favourite photos.
I and the bird #133
It has been a long time since I last promoted this blogging carnival about birds. It has been even longer since I last contributed to the best bird blogging carnival in the world – I and the bird.
The 133rd issue of this event has just been posted. Click on the link below to go to some of the best bird blogs and sites on the net.
Link: I and the bird #133
Don’t forget to return here sometime too.
Many good posts and photos of birds will be appearing here in the coming weeks.

Superb Fairy-wren, Eden, NSW
Australian Birdfair, Leeton, NSW
The fifth Australian Birdfair at Leeton, central NSW is on again this year. It will be held on 17th to the 19th September.
Leeton is between Narrandera and Griffith and an easy drive north west of the regional city of Wagga Wagga. It is also an easy day’s drive from both Melbourne and Sydney, a long day’s drive from Adelaide and a very long day’s drive from Brisbane.
But why rush like that? There are hundreds of fine birding spots along the way, so make it a birding holiday.The link below takes you to the web page where you can find out about accommodation, all the events that are planned, tours of the district and who will be putting on exhibits at the fair. There will also be seminars and lectures about birds. Sound good.
Wish I could be there. [sigh]
Further reading:
- Cocoparra National Park – a report of my visit to a nearby national park several years ago.
The Cocoparra National Park is only a short distance from Leeton. These photos will give you a taste of the area:

Cocoparra National Park, central New South Wales

Cocoparra National Park, central New South Wales