Dusky Turtle Dove, Ethiopia

Dusky Turtle Dove, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The Dusky Turtle Dove (Streptopelia lugens) was a challenging bird for me to photograph during my visit to Ethiopia last December. Although they were relatively common on the school campus where my daughter was teaching, during our 2 week stay this species was almost reclusive in nature. One evening I stealthily chased one around the playground trying to get a photo. It was almost dark and the flash needed to be employed, but the bird keep moving around quickly and generally just out of effective reach of the flash.

On another occasion one bird was feeding in the car park right out in the open. Again it was in poor light and the bird keep moving around rapidly, to quickly to get the camera focussed on it. All those shots were blurred. In the end, I only managed to get 2 photos reasonable enough to show here. That’s nature photography I guess. You win some, you lose some – and the rest are just plain challenging.

Doing a little research on this species I have found little in the way of information online. It appears that both males and females of this species, along with closely related species, are able to produce “crop milk”, a soft lumpy substance resembling cheese. When it is fed to the young it nourishes them with its high protein content. Read more about it here.

Dusky Turtle Dove, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Christmas Greetings

Eucalyptus flower

Christmas greetings to all of my readers.

I hope you have a wonderful time gathering to celebrate with family and friends.

I’m having a very different Christmas this year – but you’ll have to wait until next year to hear all about it.

Keep safe – and happy birding.

Red Capped Robin

Eastern Rosella in our garden

King Parrot

Flying Black Kite, Mannum

Black Kite over the Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

A skill I admire in nature photographers is getting great still photos of moving birds or animals. It’s something I am still very much a novice at and will need to practise much more to get it right.

While this photo of a Black Kite soaring over the Murray River at Mannum taken a few weeks ago is not brilliant, I’m still quite pleased with it. Mind you, it has had a little treatment on my computer to enhance certain elements.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Australasian Grebe, Mannum, South Australia

Australasian Grebe, Mannum, South Australia

Grebes are not easy to photograph – well, that’s my experience, anyway. They are either too far away way out in the middle of a body of water, or they dive under the water as soon as you have them in focus.

Oh, the joys of nature photography!

Still, I should be pleased that his Australasian Grebe cruised around on the Murray River at Mannum a few weeks ago long enough for me to get some shots. It wasn’t all that interested in diving and it was close into shore. Sometimes the birds either enjoy being photographed – or the take pity on me!

Mmmm…having a closer look at the photos now I can’t help wondering if I’ve actually taken shots of two different birds. The one above looks different compared with the one below. (My memory is good enough to remember that the two shots below were a few seconds apart; the top photo was taken six minutes earlier according to the digital properties of the photo.)

Australasian Grebe, Mannum, South Australia

Australasian Grebe, Mannum, South Australia

Birding around Mannum, South Australia part 4

Murray River at Mannum, South Australia

Over recent days I have been sharing some photos and my experiences on a birding trip to Mannum a few weeks ago. This river town is about 20 minutes by car from my home. The afternoon was a classically beautiful Sunday afternoon in spring. To add to the wonderful weather the birding was also good.

I know that Silver Gulls are a very common bird here in Australia, but I do enjoy photographing them. The bird in the photo below was particularly photogenic, but I had to be quick with the camera as it was on the move. I’ve also included a few other photos taken on the same day.


Silver Gull, Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

Silver Gulls, Murray River, Mannum, South Australia

Silver Gulls, Mannum, South Australia

Silver Gulls, Murray River, Mannum, South Australia