Archive for December, 2009

White-winged Choughs feeding young

White-winged Chough with young

White-winged Chough with young

Over recent weeks the flock of White-winged Choughs that frequently visit our garden have been largely absent. A few days ago I found out why.

They’ve been nesting somewhere nearby – but far away enough not to attract my attention. Now every time they pass through looking for a feed (and disturbing the Australian Magpies into the bargain) they have several young onesĀ  to feed, their begging calls making sure they aren’t forgotten.

White-winged Chough

White-winged Chough

Common Blackbirds nesting

Common Blackbird (babies in nest)

Common Blackbird (babies in nest)

Over the last few weeks the resident Common Blackbirds in our garden have been singing beautifully. They have also been giving their warning calls when I approach too close. With some careful observing I found out where they had built their nest (see photo above). For the second year running they have used a shelf in the pool shed where the pump and filter for our swimming pool are housed.

It proved to be quite a cosy place out of the wind and rain we’ve had recently. Today the nest was empty so they also survived the heatwave we had recently.

Common Blackbird (male)

Common Blackbird (male)