Singing Honeyeater

Singing Honeyeater

Singing Honeyeater

Singing Honeyeaters are a resident breeding species in our garden in Murray Bridge. We see several of them every day, usually when they come to one of our bird baths. We often hear their beautiful ‘preet preet preet’ call.

Singing Honeyeaters are found throughout mainland Australia with the exception of the east coast. They are not found in Tasmania. One of their preferred habitats is mallee scrubland, of which we have plenty around here.

They usually breed from about July through to February, making an untidy cup shaped nest of grass, stems, spider’s webs and usually made in a thick shrub. they usually lay 2 to 3 eggs.

Reference: Graham Pizzey and Frank Knight: Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. Angus and Robertson, 1997

Related articles:

  • Honeyeaters – a list of articles about honeyeaters from my archives

2 Responses to “Singing Honeyeater”

  1. sue broomhall says:

    We live in Moore,Queensland. We have seen a white headed, black stripe at corners of eyes and white tail (question?) honey eater. It has a call that appears to fit with the description of wattle bird call in that it wakes at dawn every morning with a loud high pitched double note call.

    Is this a honey eater and if so what type as we can’t find it in the Simpson and Day Field guide book.

    It was sitting in our Loquat tree this afternoon which we haven’t seen it do before as it has always been heard in the she oak at dawn.

    • Trevor says:

      Hi Sue,

      Thanks for visiting and for leaving a question.

      Bird identification can be frustrating at times, can’t it. I’m not familiar with the birds of your area – something I must rectify soon. I am well overdue for a visit to Queensland.

      Have you considered Grey Headed Babbler? While it is not a honeyeater, it seems to come closest to your description. You can read about this species, and hear a sound click on this site:

      Also check out the the Blue-faced honeyeater – it could be a juvenile. (The call on Birds in Backyards site doesn’t seem right, by the way.)

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