Most popular articles

This birding blog is just over a year old now and I have been doing a little reflecting on what has happened over the last twelve months. With ever increasing numbers of people visiting this site about Australian birds I guess that many people would have missed some of the earlier articles I wrote that caused quite a stir, or which were particularly popular, for whatever reason.

They are all available if you search through the Archives section but that can be a little tedious. Another way is to search using the Categories section; this can also be a little tedious.

On this post, I will provide a very lazy way for you to access some of the very popular articles I have written over the last year. I should qualify the label “most popular.” I actually have listed those that have been most commented on over the last year.

Just click on the title of the articles you wish to read.

Ten Most Commented On Articles on this Blog:

  1. Do Blackbirds Swoop? How to deal with aggressive behaviour in birds.
  2. Common Blackbirds
  3. Some Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers (this is more about blogging and writing but references to birding as well).
  4. Rainbow Lorikeets
  5. Great Birding Moments #6 New Holland Honeyeaters
  6. Great Birding Moments #13 Sulphur Crested Cockatoos
  7. A Cloud of Kites
  8. Great Birding Moments #14 Cockatoo Close Encounter
  9. Great Birding Moments #5 Crested Pigeon
  10. Favourite Birding Spot #1 Home

So there you have it.

Ten great posts to read and enjoy.

Don’t forget to leave a comment on these – or any other posts.

Remember to use the archives and the categories sections to search out other interesting articles and photos.

This post was updated on 1st March 2017.


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