Interrupted by a Kookaburra

I was sitting in my first lecture for the year this afternoon thoroughly enjoying what I was hearing.

Oh – sorry – regular readers are probably puzzled by that statement. I decided to go back to full time study this year to gain my Master of Arts in Creative Writing. (For more details click here.) I am not sure of the wisdom of studying full time when I’ve just celebrated my 60th birthday a few months ago. Consequently, posts on my three blogs will have to be less often and somewhat erratic.

Back to my topic – the lecturer stopped, looked out the window and said, “That’s a kookaburra calling. How interesting. I thought there would be nowhere for it to perch with all the [feral] pigeons we have on campus.” Indeed. The building is very old and there are many nooks suitable for the Rock Doves (Feral Pigeons) to roost and nest. Their droppings are an obvious eyesore around the campus.

Laughing Kookaburra

Laughing Kookaburra

Near the student car park (strange calling myself a student after all my years of teaching) I also observed the native species of Crested Pigeons in great numbers. They were busily feeding on the grass of the rapidly drying oval and grassed areas. The only other species I observed today was the Noisy Miner; they are in almost plague proportions in that suburb. The day I enrolled I also observed dozens of Rainbow Lorikeets feeding in the trees near the car park.

Noisy Miner

Noisy Miner

Click on any photo to enlarge the image.

Rainbow Lorikeet

Rainbow Lorikeet


5 Responses to “Interrupted by a Kookaburra”

  1. John Tongue says:

    Glad to hear you’re back into the studies, Trevor, to bursh up on some skills you enjoy! All the best with it.

  2. Brenton says:

    60 is a suitable age to do exactly what you want to!!!!!

  3. Trevor says:

    Thanks John. This course is a little more involved than merely “brushing up” on a few skills. It is full on, in depth and very challenging, not to mention time consuming – it is all consuming in fact. Both my wife (who is also studying at the same college) and I are looking through our weekly scheduled events and responsibilities and seeking out those things which will have to go – someone else will need to fill the gaps. So be it.

    My birding will continue, of course – must have some sanity in my “life”. But it will be more of the casual observation during my hectic day – not whole days set aside for specific birding trips. [sigh]

  4. Trevor says:

    I am sure you might be right Brenton. I am yet to fully experience that elevated state of being, however.

    Everyone else has expectations: “You’re retired so you could do that!”

    This doesn’t ring too true with me and I am quickly learning the gentle Art of Saying No! And meaning it.

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