Worldwide Waders web site
I find identifying waders and shorebirds can be a very confusing pursuit. So many of our Australian wading birds look very similar in the field. I try to take note of the major characteristics of the plumage, consider carefully the size and shape, watch the habits of the bird in question and think I know what it is. Going to the field guides just confuses the issue all over again. [sigh]
If you see plenty of this kind of bird, or you want to learn more about waders and shorebirds, go to WorldWaders Posterous. This blog features wading birds from all over the world. Plenty of good photos are posted there too.

Red-kneed Dotterel
Happy Fifth Birthday to Trevor’s Birding site
Trevor’s Birding is five years old today.
It has been an interesting journey. This site now boasts over 1100 articles about Australian birds with nearly 4000 comments from readers. It is read in over 100 countries by about 1000 readers every day.
This site ranks regularly in the top 50 birding websites in the world and continues to grow in popularity.
Thanks to all of my regular and loyal readers. Thanks also to those who bother to leave comments and questions; you are very much appreciated.
Now for the next 5 years!
Happy birding.
A strange sort of birthday
Today is the fourth birthday of this blog about Australian birds.
Sort of…
Let me explain. The “real” birthday of this blog is on the 3rd September. That’s when I started blogging about birds. The trouble is, that was on a completely different platform. On 6th March 2006 we changed to the current WordPress platform where it has resided ever since. I say “we” because my son Sim’ does all the administrative background work which keeps this and my other blogs ticking along nicely. Thanks Sim’.
So – can a blog have two birthdays? I guess it can. Whatever you think I feel it is worth celebrating twice a year. Thank you to all of my regular, faithful readers. Thanks also to those who may only visit occasionally, or who discover my blog via a search engine. You are all appreciated. And a special thanks to the many thousands of people who take the trouble to leave comments, help other readers with their questions and converse with one another. It makes this all worthwhile.
Four years and counting. We have only just commenced on our wonderful journey together.
CONGRATULATIONS to Trevor’s Birding for 1000 posts
Congratulations to Trevor’s Birding blog.
This article marks the 1000th post on this blog.
It has been quite a journey, from a hesitant start on another platform through to the introduction of photographs and on to this point. It has taken a little over 4 years with plenty of interesting articles – I hope. The readership has steadily increased to over 20,000 visits per month – and growing. The readership also extends to over 100 countries every month so we are getting around. Only wish I could visit all those countries to watch the birds there!
To celebrate I would like to list the most popular articles over the 4 year period based on the number of comments:
- Baby Magpie (255 comments)
- Common Blackbirds (176 )
- Pesky Plovers – dealing with swooping birds (174)
- Do Blackbirds swoop ? How to deal with aggressive bird behaviour (107)
- Crested pigeons as pet birds (66)
- Eastern Rosella (61)
- Great birding moments #5 Crested Pigeon (53)
- Welcome Swallows (53)
- The problem with Common Blackbirds (49)
- Australian Magpies (47)
Why not visit some of these articles and read some of the comments?
Feel free to add further comments of your own. (Note: first time visitors will need to be moderated before the comment appears.)
Now that we’ve reached a thousand articles, why not dig deeper into the archives? You can access the archives by clicking here or on the link called ‘Archives‘ at the top of each page. You can also search for particular topics via the categories on the sidebar, or through the search box at the top of each page.
Over the life of this blog I have shared thousands of photos. I take every opportunity to add to my collection. Later this week I might feature my favourite photos. In the meantime here is my all time favourite photo taken on holiday in Victoria earlier this year.
Two milestones for this birding blog
This blog has reached a special milestone.
Last night I approved the 3000th comment from my readers.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of this blog. You have made it what it is – a vibrant community of birders and bird lovers. In the last few months when I have been very busy writing my novel, readers’ questions have appeared here and other readers have jumped in ahead of me and answered the query or question. This interaction between readers makes writing this blog so worthwhile.
Many readers have also said nice – and sometimes flattering – things about the photos and the articles. Thank you all for your generous praise. I’m truly grateful.
I believe that this blog is fulfilling something of a great need in educating people about Australian birds. I’ve lost count of the number of readers who have commented that, in searching for information about Australian birds, this was the only site where they found answers. That pleases the teacher in me – I was a teacher for 35 years before retiring in 2004. I am now a full time writer.
Another important milestone
In November this blog also achieved another important milestone. For the first time it exceeded 15,000 different readers for the month. That makes it all worthwhile, and very satisfying that it is reaching such a wide audience.
Thank you to all of my loyal readers and the many people who have contributed comments and asked questions.